Nurses Christian Fellowship

NCF Membership is a way for nurses and nursing students to identify with others in the mission of making Christ known in nursing.

The good news of Jesus Christ is communicated through relationships. NCF aims to help nurses discover what it means to know God through a relationship with Jesus Christ and to live out that relationship in nursing, bringing hope to our colleagues and those in our care. NCF provides a local, regional, national and international network for Christian nursing. Local groups meet for prayer, Bible study, mutual encouragement and outreach.

A unique dimension in NCF ministry among students and nurses has been the integration of our faith and nursing. Through Bible studies in schools of nursing and health agencies, mentoring, conferences, and printed resources, we equip students and nurses to represent Jesus Christ in our profession.

We invite you to visit our Facebook group and explore the national website.

Faculty Advisors

Liz Van Horn

Dr. Elizabeth Van Horn